I'm here in Stellenbosch, South Africa! I've been here for a few days, but I'm just now getting the Internet set up. I have so much to say.
Let me first start with the plane ride. I WAS TERRIFIED! I just kept thinking the plane was going to crash. I was so nervous, but I got on the plane and basically went to sleep the whole entire time. I was sitting next to this girl named Satcher from South Carolina, who is like a plane riding professional because she didn't seemed worried about the plane ride at all. She is also doing the same program in South Africa with me.
When we arrived in London, there was this little short guy their with a sign waiting to pick us up. There was also like seven other students there who had just arrived as well and had been waiting for us so that they could go. So we got into this MERCEDES VAN! Yes... a mercedes van. It was so nice. That was the first thing I learned about London... almost everyone drives a mercedes, bmw, or volkswagon car.

And all the cars were clean! I just saw 1 dirty car the whole time I was there. The driver took the long route to our hotel through the streets, but it was nice. London is full of parks, and all the houses look pretty much the same... brick chimmney, antennas, and two stories.
At the hotel, Satcher was my roommate. She got homesick pretty quickly to the point where she had a panic attack. I've been fine! I KNOW I can't be like, "Momma, I'm ready to come home!" I'd get cursed-out. So, I'm here!
London.. London... London... Where do I begin? London is a place that I could visit, but I could NEVER EVER live there.
--The traffic is HORRIBLE! There is constantly heavy traffic and people drive like maniacs. They also drive on the left-hand side of the road. I almost got run over like three times, and I saved a few of the other students' lives by yanking them back on the sidewalk before they got ran over! It's ridiculous.
--I was so dehydrated there, because they don't give you a big cup to drink out of at restaurants. They give you the smallest cup of water and the smallest cup of Coke. They think of drinks at meal time as just something to aid the meal, not something to relieve thirst. The entire time I was there, I kept getting mad because they'd always give me either a small glass of water or a glass that's only 1/2 to 3/4 full of water.
EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE IN LONDON! Not only is everything expensive, but the American dollar is poop there. If you buy a meal for 10 pounds, that means you actually spent $20 American dollars on it! I bought an umbrella for like 6 pounds... which means I bought a little umbrella for 12 dollars!!! It's like a cheap dollar store one too. The price exchange there made me so mad.
--The food is
GROSS! Everywhere I went there was a Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, or some other familar restaurant and I understand why... English food is nasty. That's why they have so many American restaurants. They're food is gross. I'm talking baked beans and whole boiled eggs for breakfast. Where's the syrup? Where's the delicious stuff? Every meal there was disappointing.
London isn't all bad though.The architecture in London is so beautiful . All of the buildings are hundreds of years old and in great condition. Every building is so detailed. There are statues and parks on every corner. Most of the museums are FREE, and contain beautiful art and history. I got to visit the British Museum, which had NOTHING British it in. It was full of stolen stuff from other civilizations such as the Egyptians and Romans. They even had the Rosetta Stone there!
Overall, London was still cool. I would have liked to go there for a week and took my time and visited all of the wonderful places, but because I was only there for 3 days, I had to squeeze too many events into one day and rush too much. By the end, my feet hurt so bad from walking so much.
If you want to see more pictures of London,
click here!