Bad Weather and Sore Throats

All of the students began getting sick. People have gotten everything from bronchitis to pink eye. This guy named Matt had to get surgery, because he had an absess in his throat and it had to be drained! So, when Maggie's throat began to hurt, I was worried. She went from firecracker to old maid in just a few days. Finally, I made her get out of bed and go to the doctor. It turned out she had a serious case of tonsilitis. However, the antibiotics she got from this doctor only worked for about a day. After two days, she was back to feeling bad. I mean, she couldn't swallow... talk.... laugh... it was too painful. So, she had to go to the emergency room. They gave her like SERIOUS antibiotics, and she's begining to feel better. At the same time I was trying to be play "doctor" to Maggie, Jayden came down with flu-like symptoms, and I myself began to feel a little sick.

I had to walk about 20-30 minutes with 2 heavy bags of groceries in the dark,rain, and cold from the grocery store, so when I began to feel sick, I wasn't surprised! I had already had a sinus infection weeks ago, so this wasn't the first time I had gotten sick, however, this time it was a little different. It felt like mucus from my nose was just dripping directly into my throat, and therefore, I had a sore throat. I couldn't blow my nose, because the mucus was so far back that it was basically already down my throat. Luckily, I brought Vapor Rub with me, so that stopped the mucus. I also bought some little over the counter medicine to help as well. My flatmate Lacey took care of me too. She gave me her last sleeping pills, when I couldn't go to sleep, and made me the most soothing cup of tea I ever had in my entire life. Now, I am hooked on tea.

The tea they have here is called Rooibos tea, and it is DELICIOUS. I am going to bring some back to America! It smells like cooking turnip greens or collard greens, but it tastes so good. I go to restaurants and order cups of tea now! Like, there's nothing better than drinking some Rooibos tea on a cold day.

Speaking of the weather, IT IS COLD AND HAS RAINED FOR TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT! I am not joking nor exaggerating. It seriously has rained for two weeks. Everyday.. rain! It's partially the reason why everyone has been getting sick. The weather has been just awful. It's hard to have a good day when the sky is gray.. and it's cold.. and wet. It's just been even harder not to be homesick. I miss the sunny skies of Tennessee!