Men and the Club Scene

I guess I haven’t been fair to the men here in my past posts. The men that are usually disrespectful to me are the poor men and the construction workers. The male students and guys that I meet are actually really conservative acting and nice. I meet many guys at the club we like to go to called Lush! They love us really. We know the club owner Dylan. He always lets us in free, takes our coats and makes sure they are safe, and gives us free drinks. He is really sweet. I think we have a pretty good buzz going there too. We’re the Black American girls that come and dance and get “crunk! “ The guys aren’t touching all over me or being disrespectful. They don’t grind… they usually dance with a girl face to face doing little moves and stuff. They are really nice.
However, there has been a few creepers. There was this one guy who was pretty nice looking or whatever, but he was all in my grill. I HATE BEING SMOTHERED BY ANYONE. Ugh.. it gets on my nerves. He was all over me… rubbing my leg, not in a sexual way either. He was rubbing my leg like we had been dating for years… in a caring, familiar way. It creeped me completely out. I ducked and dodged my way away from him. And, when I was dancing on the speakers (you know I have to be seen!), here he come trying to get a dance. He was like “Come down here and dance with me!” I was like, “Nah.. this my jam!” Hahaha… I played it off real well I suppose. But, he was definitely a creepy one. I saw him looking for me all night.
Then, there was this guy the other day who picked me up and drove me home when I was walking home with groceries. He seemed real nice until we got closer to the dorm. He was trying to get my number and set up a date. I gave him my number, because in South Africa, you can’t give people the wrong number. THEY CALL YOU RIGHT THEN AND THERE AND MAKE SURE YOU GAVE THEM THE RIGHT NUMBER! So, basically.. he’s called my phone at least six times in two days. Ugh…
But like I was saying, most of the guys are really nice and respectful. Here’s the thing about students and wealthier men here. They can D-R-E-S-S dress! They dress a little too good for my tastes. And, they LOVE LOVE LOVE their jeans to be a little tight. Like… the one thing every guy must have is FLARED (yes bell-bottom-ish) LEVI JEANS! Those are the must-haves for any man here. They do look nice though, but it’s not my taste.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this about the club scene here, but it’s basically unofficially segregated. There are two Colored clubs and the rest are White clubs in Stellenbosch. There are no Black clubs here. Lush is a colored club. All the clubs play hip-hop for about an hour, then switch to something else. The biggest music here in South Africa, and apparently in Europe too, is house music, which basically, to me, sounds like techno music. It sucks! I’m getting used to it though, but I cannot stand listening to songs with absolutely no words. I still have fun when I go out though. I like to go to Cubana’s, this restaurant that has really good food and drinks. It’s like an open space, with music, and a nice lounge feel to it. We go to Cubana’s and eat (and/or drink, which I don’t do anymore) and then head to a club to dance. I really have a good time. I just like to dance and chill. I like to go out on Wednesday nights now. Like, Wednesday night is perfect! Lush is always packed and fun. I get to have my weekends to do other activities and do my homework instead of being too tired. And, we just have fun!