I'm Horrible..

And here's why...

I'VE BEEN BACK IN THE STATES FOR MONTHS now! I got back November 22 and haven't updated my blog. I'm horrible.

Anyway, I'm back from South Africa. I am still soaking up all of my experiences there. After about 2 weeks, I was ready to go back.

It was weird at first. I was walking through the airport, sick from Delta Airline food, and I was just thinking "Oh my god! These people are speaking English!!!!" And, I was eavesdropping on everyone's conversations. It was just crazy.

When I first saw David, my boyfriend, I thought, "Who is this guy?" I had gotten so used to him just being a memory or a face on the computer screen. There was this weird, unique sensation that I cannot describe. Honestly, it took my a few hours to be like, "Ok, I remember you!"

Anyway, I am back. Back at school... back into the monotony that is Vanderbilt University. I cannot find a part-time job for the present NOR a full time job for after graduation. I want to be back in South Africa where the $1 I have in my wallet would be worth 10Rand!!