trinidad and tobago bound

wow. since the last time i wrote on here, i've been to las vegas, nyc, new orleans... been in a couple of forests... and ran through a couple of airport terminals (i saw soulja boy in the detroit airport. he is very very small. tiny even.). i've graduated and i live in louisville, kentucky while i go to graduate school here.'s aight. but now comes something to travel blog about... i'm going to be studying abroad in trinidad and tobago for about 2 weeks. i leave thursday!

i'm kind of not even excited about it. for one, there's all these rules. in south africa, i could basically do whatever i wanted as long as i wasn't purposely putting myself in serious danger. it was a real experience, you know? i got to explore on my own a lot... i essentially got to live somewhere. but, the director of this trip has already laid out some ridiculous rules... such as: i have to travel in pairs at all times, i have to stay in a group and make group decisions about stuff  i want to do, and i have to absolutely be on time wherever i go but i have to be flexible because everyone in charge of me can/will be late. it's definitely got the feel of a field trip NOT a study abroad. there's a damn schedule. WE WERE BASICALLY TOLD NOT TO DRINK TOO. what the hell?

another negative is that i also am basically poor. i mean, i have money... i have it. it's just that i'm about to move soon and there's all these little variables that i cannot control that i have to be mindful of.. such as, i have to pay like 3 months of utilities because the person i live with decided to just keep the utilities to herself while she was gone for the summer... and also, unless she finds a roommate for august, i'm going to have to pay august rent in a place i don't really plan on living in... although, i'm painfully tossing around the idea of staying in the apartment in august so i wont be paying 2 full rents. blah. so, i have to save save save. i don't know if i'll be doing many food posts... it's looking like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich type of trip.. lol. chips and salsa. i've been secretly wishing the trip would get canceled... i've been wishing it for about..... .. .. 2 or 3 months now. i've obviously been unsuccessful.

the only positive is the students i'm going with are super cool and i'm looking forward to seeing them outside of the purely academic setting. it's a small group (5 in all) and everyone's nice and determined to have fun. i'm not going to say we seem like rule breakers... bbbutttttttttt.... we seem like people who don't like to get in trouble unless we think it's worth it. lol.