day seventeen - liming at the beach. i could do this everyday.

i got up super early so that i could make the macaroni and cheese (or “macaroni and che” as me and kenwyn have been calling it since i didn’t have enough cheese! lol) for our lime at the beach. i got up and went downstairs into the kitchen that i had never used. i was SO GRATEFUL to lavergne’s husband and dr. turley for insisting that i learn how to use a gas stove and teaching me how to in tobago. so very grateful. i looked around for matches. there were none. i thought lavergne and kenwyn had given us some on the first night when they gave us all kinds of dishes and pots and pans. but, i guess not. i searched all over the kitchen but there were no matches in sight. i decided to go ahead and try to grate the cheese up. there was no grater so i had it set in my mind that i was going to try to grate it with this spoon that we had that had holes in it (lol! i was so determined) or cut it up into thin slices. the whole process was going very slow. i thought i might as well cook the noodles and at least have something done since the cheese was going no where.

so, i decided to go to the lobby front desk and ask them. on my way there though, i passed by the common area and immediately thought to look in the common kitchen area that the students of the university use. sure enough, there were match boxes all above the stove. some of them still had matches in them. so i took one box. i also saw a grater sitting near the kitchen sink. i went ahead and borrowed it too and took it back to our kitchen. the matches that i had picked up were old... and the box was too stale to strike a match on. i had to run back to the common kitchen for another box. this time i was able to get a more fresher box. the matches lit but the stove still wouldn't light. i was so frustrated. i couldn't figure out what was wrong. then, i wondered about the switch on the gas tank. when i first started cooking, i assumed it was closed (like it should have been)... and had switched it to what i thought was open. however.... i switched it back and tried to light the stove.. it finally lit! meaning.. apparently the gas tank had been left open all these days (not good. we could have blown up if there was a leak in the hose).

the "macaroni and che" cooked up well enough... but there just wasn't enough cheese! kenwyn called and told us that the bus wouldn't be arriving until later so i went upstairs and chilled a bit and then headed to the bus with my "macaroni and che." some of kenwyn's friends and family joined us on our trip to toco beach. it was a really long drive, and there was heavy traffic at some points but there were some great views along the way.

maracas beach was such a touristy beach... but toco beach was full of trinis. everyone was liming with their families and having a really great time. the beach itself was GORGEOUS. i had to get in the water as soon as we got there. i just fell in love with that beach. 

i got in the water for a minute and then i sat in a palm tree and ate really quick... all the food was pretty good. then, i headed back into the water. there was like this forbidden area right in front of where we had set-up our picnic. i didn't know you couldn't swim in there UNTIL i hopped in and a life guard blew his whistle at me. SO EMBARRASSING! lol. so, i went into the area on the right side of our camp and swam around a bit. the current was really strong and it kept pulling me. when i saw a crab's arm float by me.. i was like "TIME TO GET OUT!" lol. i went back to camp and had a beer. my favorite beer here is "stag." it's advertised as being "for men." whatever! 

i headed back into the water but this time, i went to the other side of the beach. it was a lot better. the current wasn't as strong and all the people around me were super friendly. i came back to the beach for something to drink and then headed back to the water with kenwyn, yakira, and kenwyn's two little sisters. it was really fun splashing around, and kenwyn's little sisters are so silly. there was good music playing too. i just really began to enjoy the water... hopping as the waves come in... pushing away debris or "floaties" as i call them. i can see why people love the beach so much. i could totally get used to going to the beach every week. we stayed in the water for hours... then, something bit yakira's finger, so.. we were all like "TIME TO GET OUT!" lol. 

i went back to our site and had a beer and some of the delicious watermelon dr. turley had bought off the side of the road. i actually don't really like watermelon, but this summer, i've been in some hot places... and i've began to realize how refreshing watermelon can be. after sitting around for a second, i decided to walk down the beach and people watch. everyone was liming! it was such a relaxed, care-free environment. i got hit on a couple of times, which is aaalllwwaayyyss a confidence boost for me when i'm in my swimsuit... lol. really, nobody cares about any of that stuff here. on the beach, all you see is these really fat women in tiny bathing suits, flaunting their curves. and, i just soaked up all the vibes. i have fallen in love with the people here. 

i was determined to walk all the way to the end and see the entire beach. when i got to the end, there was this point where a stream from inland and the sea met. i really wanted a picture of it so i went back to the site to get my camera. when i got there, everyone was packing up to leave. i was thinking, "already!?" i could have stayed there all day. i asked kenwyn if we were leaving and he didn't seemed to thrilled about leaving either. he told me that i could go and take my time. 
we won't leave you.
so, i got my camera and took a couple of pictures. there were palm trees that had fallen into the water. people were climbing on them and playing on them. i wish i could have stayed there all day.

after i took my pictures, i followed kenwyn and his family back to the bus. i tried to go to sleep on the bus but the driver was playing some songs that i knew! some taurus riley and gyptian (i have to thank kristen kirksey for putting me on those songs).

she's royal.
so royal. and i want her in my life.
i never knew anyone so divine.
the way she moves to her own beat..
she has the qualities of a queen.
so supreme.
oh. what a natural beauty.
no need no make-up to be a cutey..
she's a queen! 
after we got back to the dorms, i tried to blog and work on a little research. then, i fell asleep.