day seven - blah

day seven kind of sucked. so, we went to class like usual. and, like usual, the lecturer was late. the class was supposed to be about “the old tradition: rapso”… whatever that is. why don’t i know what that is? because whoever was supposed to teach our class didn’t show up at all. so, we sat in the room waiting for over an hour… maybe even two hours. it was kind of ridiculous. i don’t know who gave us word that we could finally leave, but when we got it, i was glad to get back to the room so i could finish packing for our trip to tobago.

i finished packing…ate the rest of my leftover chinese food (i still couldn’t bear to eat any of that “chicken.” it looked even more weird the next day.)… and hopped on the bus. we went to the ferry station in port-of-spain. it was just as miserable as traveling always is. the station was packed full of people. and it was so hot. we had to stand in long lines and my luggage was really heavy. and then, when we finally got on the ferry, some officers made me put my luggage bag on a cart because i guess i had too much stuff (the only other thing i had was my book bag -_-). so, i was worried that my stuff would get stolen. and on top of all this, lavergne gave us sea-sickness medicine at the station, but i think the medicine itself made me feel a little sick. the ferry itself was really nice though. it was the nicest ferry i’ve ever been on. it had low lighting, with lots of tables and chairs. there was food offered (although depending on what time of day, it could be crappy. it was crappy. lol). there were flat screen tvs, but they were all playing “the three stooges meet hercules”.. lame. so, i mostly just read my book, assata shakur’s biography. there was a couple of rough patches, but for the most part, the ride was smooth. i didn’t even realize we were moving at first until i looked out the window. and the view was AWESOME. i also went to the back of the ferry for even more views of the trinidad coastline.

when we got off the ferry in tobago (at about 7pm), i went down and got my stuff. what was the first thing i saw when i got off the ferry? a red shining kfc. lol. it gave me a brilliant idea… our coordinators had warned us the day before that food on tobago was more expensive because it was more touristy. my plan was to buy a bucket of chicken and sides, a family meal, and just eat on that every day. we hopped on a bus and it took us to our “bed and breakfast” (MINUS THE BREAKFAST.. which they don’t have. lol! i’m laughing now but when i found out, i was crushed. i thought i was going to save some TT$. so.. you’re a bed and breakfast without breakfast? so… you’re just bed? lol). as we made our way to our rooms… we could hear a whole bunch of random “BAAAHHHHHHHH”s. goats. there are goats in the backyard of our “bed minus the breakfast.” lol.

everyone was pretty hungry so we dropped our stuff off in our rooms (i share a room with shannon), and walked around the area to find something to eat. i saw a church’s chicken and immediately thought, “that’s the move.” instead of stopping though, i continued to walk with everyone else to see what else the area had to offer. after about 20 minutes, shannon and i went back to the church’s chicken. we went inside and stood looking at the menu. a worker gone say “y’all ordering 2 separate orders?”.. we answered yes… “well, we’re closed.” um… then why did you let us stand here, look at the menu, and ask us how many orders we had? we ended up in a little mini-market next door. i wasn’t really trying to buy anything but once shannon got this breakfast for dinner idea, i picked up some bread and bacon. we ended up saving it though. i ate a pb&j and went to bed.