day ten - HEAVEN (tobago)

i woke up early the next morning so that i could go on the trip to see the waterfall at argyle falls. the drive there was full of twists and turns (like just about every drive we've taken.. lol), but the views from the bus were beautiful. we drove right along the coast.

when we got to the argyle falls center, i was so happy because we were told that it would be 60 TT$, but we ended up only having to pay 40TT$. :-D our guide was this quirky little black lady who i could tell took a liking to me because she would just take my camera and tell me to do different poses. lol. like, she had me run down some stairs.. lol.  it was kinda weird, but i liked her. she was really sweet. she asked shannon and i what word we would use to described tobago. i said “beautiful..” … shannon said “amazing.” the lady was like, 
“those are nice words.. but the word i would use is ‘heaven.’”

i was blown away by her answer. she was absolutely right. it was heaven or the closest i've ever been to heaven. she took us through the forest telling us the history of the land, which used to be a cocoa plantation. i felt completely in my element. i love being outdoors. i love going on trails. i was already really happy.. and then, i saw the waterfall. it was absolutely gorgeous.

kenwyn’s fiancĂ©, yakira, convinced me to go behind the waterfall with her (remember my “checkered past” with water.. lol). she held my hand and guided me under it. she’s so nice, and i’m glad she was there. i’m glad i went underneath the water fall too because she was right... it was the best view, even with the water splashing into my eyes. and, the water felt so good on my skin. i felt like i was being baptized by nature… and i loved every minute of it. i sat under the waterfall for a long time just thanking God that i was there. i really did. and i said some prayers. it’s something about being in nature… i can get more spiritual in a forest than i ever can at church.
after we were done at the falls, we went back into the main lobby and i got a gatorade and some corn bread! yes, stores sell cornbread as a snack. it tasted kind of like when my mom adds extra cornmeal to "jiffy". it was the perfect snack really. lol. WE NEED IT IN THE STATES! 

we headed back to the room and i tried to get some blog posts up. then, shannon and i headed down to the beach. the sun kept ducking behind clouds and a lot of seaweed had come up on shore. so, the beach wasn’t as nice as it had been the day before. i went in the water with all the other people who were splashing about. i looked down in the clear blue water and a school of little fish were just swimming right next to me. i thought fish were afraid of people! i guess not. i was like, “um… not for me.” lol. i like to eat fish not swim with them. so, i just laid down on my towel, listened to the music that someone was blasting, and ate sugar cake (the sugar/coconut mixture that i am pretty sure i’m addicted to). shannon gave me her sweet mangoes, because she didn’t like them. i was really grateful because i liked them… they tasted like sweet potatoes. 

after an hour or so of beach time, we headed back to the room to eat some more church’s chicken. then, we met up with the group to head to a souvenir shop. there was some nice stuff there but i was too poor to buy anything so i just looked around. afterwards, we headed to a restaurant that had really good cake and icecream. although i love icecream, i wasn’t about to spend any money on dessert when i was still full from earlier. i did want a beer though so we went to a little mini-mart to get one. i thought maybe we would lime, but we had to be up by 4am the next morning to catch the ferry back to trinidad. it just seemed kind of foolish to lime and then do all that traveling. so, i headed back to my room to get a couple of hours of rest.